Klockan är 07:18

Vad ska man göra.. Lyssnar på en låt som egentligen borde sjungas till mig, den borde tryckas upp rakt i mittt ansikte - mot mig. Ja, för det mesta fattar jag att jag gör fel men jag är bara för stolt för att inse det på riktigt.

If the lies don't judge you, the truth will
But if I can't love you, then who will
When your friends are jumping ship
When your crown begins to slip
And loyaltie's not a virtue
Who are you gonna turn to
When you've seem to've lost your grip
And the road begins to rip

I held your hand, is this the thanks I get
I took you in, is this the thanks I get
Half a chance, the thanks I get
A twist of plans, is this the thanks I get

If the lies don't touch you, the truth will
If I can't love you, then who will
And your coming off your chill
When your ego takes a dip

I held your hand, is this the thanks
I get I took you in, is this the thanks
I get Half a chance, the thanks I get
A twist of plans, is this the thanks I get

The days hurts
The nights hurts T
he light hurts
My eyes hurts
The darks hurts
My heart hurts
It all hurts

I loved you
I loved you
I made you
I hate you
I hate you
I miss you
Miss you

The thanks I get
Is this the thanks I get


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